Locate the Canadian Pacific DC10 Model Locomotive CP694 at the bottom of Lake Superior
Ontario, Canada
With initial coordinate information we were able to find the train in July, 2016. The difficulty with this find was searching through the boulders surrounding the train.

With the use of our Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), we were able to find the Canadian Pacific DC10 Model Locomotive CP694, resting at 250 feet at the bottom of Lake Superior, in Ontario, Canada. With initial coordinate information we were able to find the train in July, 2016. The difficulty with this find was searching through the boulders surrounding the train. To find out more visit Media

The accident happened on June 10, 1910 when a boulder that had fallen onto the track caused the train to derail from the cliffside track, then sink into the Lake Superior bay at a depth of 250 feet. Three perished including a fireman, engineer and breakman.

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