
Abiah Schooner Historic Find

Wreck Site of the Topsail Schooner ABIAH

Wisconsin Historical added the Topsail Schooner ABIAH to the State Register of Historic Places. Crossmon Consulting assisted in collecting the data for the nomination. We used our ROV experise to locate the ship.
ABIAH is located northeast of Sheboygan in about 240 feet of water. It operated from 1847 to 1855 mostly in the grain and lumber trades but was most well-known for bringing the first railroad locomotive to Wisconsin.
On Friday, November 19, 2021, Crossmon Consulting was able to add the wreck site of the topsail schooner ABIAH to the State Register of Historic Places.


Historic Train Find

With the use of our Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), we were able to find the Canadian Pacific DC10 Model Locomotive CP694, resting at 250 feet at the bottom of Lake Superior, in Ontario, Canada.

Locate the Canadian Pacific DC10 Model Locomotive CP694 at the bottom of Lake Superior
Ontario, Canada
With initial coordinate information we were able to find the train in July, 2016. The difficulty with this find was searching through the boulders surrounding the train.


Lake Michigan Search

Within this project Crossmon Consulting performed a search and light salvage of a boat that had sunk in Lake Michigan.

Light salvage of small watercraft
Lake Michigan
Using side scan sonar, Crossmon Consulting found the light salvage vessel that had sunken to the bottom of the lake.


Side Scan Sonar / ROV

As part of our underwater search explorations utilizing our Marine Sonic, Side Scan Sonar, we captured unique images of historical shipwrecks.

Side Scan Sonar historical images.
Lake Superior and Lake Michigan
This is a depiction of two different projects within the great lakes finding historical shipwrecks.



These shipwreck finds were projects working with two historical society teams, Crossmon Consulting found and provided images of ship wrecks, facilitated by the use of our Side Scan Sonar, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). These depictions are from two incredible projects.

Historical Searches
Ships Searches
Henry B. Smith in conjunction with Great Lakes Ship Wreck Museum Antelope in conjunction with Wisconsin Historical Society
Side Scan Sonar
This project was using Crossmon Consulting side scan sonar equipment and skills to locate and provide images of these wrecked ships.

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