Historical Searches
Ships Searches
Henry B. Smith in conjunction with Great Lakes Ship Wreck Museum Antelope in conjunction with Wisconsin Historical Society
Side Scan Sonar
This project was using Crossmon Consulting side scan sonar equipment and skills to locate and provide images of these wrecked ships.

These shipwreck finds were projects working with two historical society teams, Crossmon Consulting found and provided images of ship wrecks, facilitated by the use of our Side Scan Sonar, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). These depictions are from two incredible projects.

Henry B. Smith: This exploration was of the shipwreck of the Henry B. Smith, a cargo ship that sank into Lake Superior during the great storm of 1913. Working alongside a team representing the Great Lakes Ship Wreck Museum, we were the first to see inside the pilot house facilitated by the use of our VideoRay, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).

Crossmon Consulting is available to discuss your historical find projects. Additionally, if you’re considering purchase of your own side scan sonar equipment, CONTACT US. Our consultation on equipment sales with side scan sonar is invaluable.

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